Local Rules

Local Rules

New Relaxed Rules = More Enjoyment

Enjoyment and fun is a big reason why we play golf, and in 2019 the worldwide governing bodies for the game of golf, announced a series of changes to the rules of golf. These adjustments were designed to speed up your rounds, and increase your enjoyment of the game. Rules to be read in conjunction with the 2019 R&A Rules of Golf.


Golf Etiquette


General Conditions of Play

  • All players must carry a sand bucket, fill all divots and repair pitch marks
  • Green staff have the right of way on the course at all times
  • Carts must be kept on paths, where practical, and are not permitted to cross blue lines near green and tee complexes
  • All players must keep up with the group ahead.

Prior to Play

  • Arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to your tee time to check in.
  • No more than four players in a group.
  • Be prepared to have others join you if you have less than 4 in your group.
  • Be ready to play when it is your time to tee off.

On the Tee

  • At Brighton Lakes we play and recommend ‘Ready Golf’ (who ever is ready plays)
  • Mark your ball so that you can identify it.
  • Hit ONLY when golfers ahead of you are out of range.
  • Stand still and facing other golfers while they are hitting.
  • Watch where all balls go to avoid time spent looking for lost balls.
  • Yell the warning “FORE!” if your ball is heading toward another golfer.

The Fairway

  • Walk directly to your ball unless you reach someone else’s ball first.
  • Take no more than one practice swing.
  • Player furthest from the hole usually plays first but golfers out of range of the group in front can play first, if ready.
  • Walk briskly between shots and be ready to play when it is your turn.
  • Keep pace with the group in front of you at all times.
  • Assist playing partners when needed by bringing clubs, finding lost balls, etc.

On the Green

  • Avoid pulling carts or driving carts across the green.
  • Place your bag or cart between the green and the next tee.
  • Take all clubs that you may need.
  • Repair your own ball marks and one other.
  • Avoid stepping on another player’s putting line.
  • Players begin putting when all balls are on the green.
  • The person furthest away from the hole putts first.
  • Mark your ball if it is in the path of another player’s ball.
  • Record all scores on the next tee.

Tips to Avoid Slow Play

The number one problem in golf today, as evidenced by the overwhelming golfer complaint, is Slow Play. The following tips can help you keep pace with the group in front of you at all times.

  • Be ready to hit when it is your turn.
  • Limit practice swings to one or none.
  • Take plenty of clubs with you to your ball when leaving your bag or riding cart.
  • Consider all options as you approach your ball to make decisions quickly.
  • Watch all balls until they stop rolling to avoid lengthy searches.
  • Use a fixed object as a reference point.
  • All players should go directly to their own ball and play when ready.
  • If you do fall behind, let faster groups play through.
  • Continue putting until holed out unless you would be standing on someone’s putting line.
  • Remember, by keeping pace you make the game more enjoyable for everyone!!